Safety Services (UK) Ltd provides a comprehensive range of health and safety services, including Principal Designer Support in accordance with Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 (CDM 2015) SafetyNet™ and SSIP Assistance.
The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 under Reg (7) requires each employer to appoint at least one health and safety competent person to assist in health and safety management.
Our SafetyNet™ Health and Safety Service provides access to the tools and advice you need to manage your organisation's Health and Safety effectively.

Principal Designer
The CDM coordinator role was removed under CDM 2015, and you no longer need a CDM coordinator on your construction projects. The new role of principal designer has been introduced and some duties have changed. Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 (CDM 2015), which came into force in April 2015.
As a Principal Designer, we understand the intricacies, manage health and safety risks, and streamline the process guaranteeing the health, safety, and wellbeing of all involved through our Health and Safety services.

Principal Designer Support
The CDM coordinator role was removed under CDM 2015, and you no longer need a CDM coordinator on your construction projects. The new role of principal designer has been introduced and some duties have changed. Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 (CDM 2015), which came into force in April 2015.
As a Principal Designer, we understand the intricacies, manage health and safety risks, and streamline the process guaranteeing the health, safety, and wellbeing of all involved through our Health and Safety services.

SSIP Assistance
SSIP (Safety Scheme In Procurement) is an umbrella organisation that promotes a minimum standard of Health and Safety assessments for contractors. It is also backed by the HSE (Health and Safety Executive).
At Safety Services (UK) Ltd, we understand the importance of offering efficient health and safety services and obtaining an SSIP Certificate and Accreditation for your business. Our expert team has extensive knowledge and experience and can offer a complete service to help you achieve accreditation quickly and efficiently.

Why Choose Safety Services (UK) Ltd For Health and Safety Services?
At Safety Services (UK) Ltd, we offer comprehensive health and safety services all under one roof. Our expert team is highly knowledgeable and experienced professionals who are dedicated to managing health and safety risks. We have a deep understanding of regulations and will ensure your organisation is compliant with the latest standards.
We have streamlined our processes making health and safety management for your organisation as efficient and hassle-free as possible.
Safety Services (UK) Ltd is your one-stop solution to health and safety requirements, all delivered by our fully accredited and competent team.
Safety Services (UK) Ltd team of experts are here ready to discuss a range of services for any new project. Get in touch today!