A Principal Designer (PD) can either be an organisation or individual dependent on the size and complexity of a project and, plays a key part within the project team. The role requires the PD to plan, manage and monitor the pre-construction phase and coordinate matters relating to Health & Safety, ensuring that so far as is reasonably practicable, the project is carried out without risks to health & safety.
The Importance of a Principal Designer
The changes to the CDM (Construction, Design and Management) Regulations (CDM 2015) place specific duties on the client in terms of the overall management of a project. The Principal Designer must be appointed in writing on any project where there is more than one contractor. If this appointment is not made, the sole responsibilities and execution of these duties will default back to the client.
It is recommended you appoint an external Principal Designer who will advise you of your legal duties and ensure that the health and safety and coordination in design follow the requirements of CDM 2015 and associated legislation.
Our Principal Designers will advise and influence design matters relating to health & safety in the pre-construction phase of your project. They have specialist technical knowledge of the construction industry and can coordinate with the design team to prepare or modify designs to ensure that they comply with the requirements of CDM 2015.

The Principal Designers must:
Identify and eliminate or control, so far as is reasonably practicable, foreseeable risks to the health or safety of any person.
- Carrying out or liable to be affected by construction work;
- Maintaining or cleaning a structure; or
- Ensure all designers comply with their duties in regulation 9.
- Make sure that all persons working in relation to the pre-construction phase cooperate with the client, the principal designer and each other.
- Assist the client in the provision of the pre-construction information
- Provide pre-construction information in a prompt and convenient manner to every designer and contractor appointed or being considered for appointment to the project, so far as it is within the principal designer’s control.
- Liaise with the principal contractor for the duration of the principal designer’s appointment and share with the principal contractor information relevant to the planning, management and monitoring of the construction phase and the coordination of health and safety matters during the construction phase.
- Assist with the development of the health and safety file.
In addition to the Principal Designer services, we also provide Principal Designer Support services; a bespoke role to assist the client in the execution of their CDM2015 places specific duties.
Please contact Safety Services (UK) Ltd if your construction project requires an independent Principal Designer.
CDM Compliance
Check if you have carried out all of your CDM responsibilities with the free CDM compliance checklist.

Safety Services (UK) Ltd team of experts are here ready to discuss a range of services for any new project. Get in touch today!